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Vector Biography

Vector is a Sacramento-based rock band formed in the early 1980s, blending Christian rock with new wave influences. Original members Jimmy Abegg, Steve Griffith, and Charlie Peacock created a distinctive sound marked by compelling guitar riffs and introspective lyrics, with dynamic drumming from notable contributors like Aaron Smith and Bruce Spencer, both of whom also played for The 77s.

Although their lyrics weren't often explicitly Christian, their albums, released under Christian music labels, garnered a dedicated following within the Christian rock community. Over the years, Vector's lineup evolved, but their commitment to merging faith with innovative soundscapes remained consistent.

Their discography includes acclaimed albums like "Mannequin Virtue" (1983), "Please Stand By" (1985), "Simple Experience" (1989), and "Temptation" (1995). After a long hiatus, the band returned in 2021 with the album "Vital," demonstrating their enduring relevance by fusing their classic style with modern influences.

Vector's latest project has drawn closer to the spiritual language of the Christian church, highlighted by songs like "Walk On Water," "Judas Within," "Celestial City," and the closing reflection on the "love chapter" of 1 Corinthians 13, titled "Greatest of These."

Mannequin Virtue (1983)
Please Stand By (1985)
Simple Experience (1989)
Temptation (1995)
Vital (2021)

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The 77s | The Choir | Lost Dogs

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